2020-05-07 3:21 PM
I am looking for any programmer which programs the STM32 MCUs with the power of programmer.
So I don't want to connect any power to my MCU while programming it.
Is there any programmer like above?
2020-05-07 3:33 PM
You can’t program a chip that isn’t powered. How would the flash operate?
There are knock off programmers out there that can supply power while programming.
2020-05-07 6:59 PM
it is a power budget challenge.
if you want programmer to feed power, its power source and regulator shall be good enough, or its regulator might overheat.
if the programmer uses usb as power, usb devices have typically 100 up to 500mA total budget in usb 2.0 style.
did you consider these aspects?