Connection between 2 stm32 mcu boards using uart with only one USB cable
How do I connect 2 mcu stm32 nucleo l053r8 boards using uart with only one USB cable and how do I check if connection is established using led
How do I connect 2 mcu stm32 nucleo l053r8 boards using uart with only one USB cable and how do I check if connection is established using led
Help needed on interfacing buzzer with L476
hello, could you please tell me where the default jumper wires be placed on the board h743zi2. quick response is much appreciated as i am in a hurry with the deadline. pictures of the board are much needed while answering.
Hello, I generated a project for STM32U5A9J-DK with STM32CubeIDE (v1.16.0). It doesn’t include the OctalFlash test code. So, I used the test codes in chapter "Octo-SPI FLASH in Regular-command protocol example" of attached AN5050.The mounted OctalFla...
Hi there.I want to download my bin file to one of my customized board ( target STM32G030F6P6).The problem is the debugger pin CN1 of Hardware board MB1441 has 5V input but my one has 2.8 V in debug connector.Kindly recommend a solution for voltage le...
Hello,I am currently developing on an STM32H743. I have a bootloader and an application that I want to load into the internal flash memory of the microcontroller. The bootloader is written successfully, but the application fails to load.Instead of wr...
Hi,I have Nucleo-F767zi . When I give it an external power source through Vin. It doesn't always wake up. The board works if I reset it.The graphic of my power supply; It arrives 9V at 400 mili seconds. The curve is almost linear.(No glitch on the w...
When I connect my STM32F401RE board to the PC via USB cable, a FAIL.txt file appears with the message 'The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU.' I tried following the tutorial, bu...
HI, I want to implement the USB middleware on the STM32G0B1RCT6 to use the CDC class for opening a virtual COM port. Can someone provide an example driver?
Hello, Looking for a small size STM development board with USB and crypto functionality support