STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Resolved! ST-LINK Utility give "Can not connect to target!" error. STM32f407vgt6 mcu and st-link can not connect.

I am struggling with debugging of STM32f407VGT6 mcu. I use discovery board as ST-LINK for debugging. Done below instructions:-       All connections between st-link and uC-       Power distribution controls (VCC, GND)-       CN3 jumpers not connectSh...

Iyesi.1 by Associate II
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STM32 Discovery boards NRNDed

ST marked several Disco boards as NRND (i.e. discontinues them).Some of them are easily replaceable - e.g. the 'F0308 by the 'F0, the 'L100 by the 'L152, the 'F7308 (which btw. is only a few months old) by the probably completely identical (except fo...