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Hello,Situation: I have a Nucleo WB55 board that is able to flash the internal SMT32 micro with the embedded ST-Link.I want to use this Nucleo to flash a custom board with the embbedded ST-LINK, disconnecting the jumpers and connecting the lines prop...
Helloscenario: I have a Nucleo WB55 board with embedded ST-Link, and I'm able to program the mounted SMT32 with Cube programmer. I have used since few days ago the embedded ST-Link to program custom HWs, removing the jumpers on NRST, SWO, SWCLK, SWDI...
Hello, I'm Marco, HW developer.Scenario: two Nucleo WB15CC transmit both a sawtooth into the Nucleo WB55 USB dongle with BLE protocol. With a proper SW we can see the two sawtooth in the GUI. The Nucleos WB15 should be replaced with custom HW with sm...
Hello,please see the schematic attached. I observed 2 MHz oscillation (with 1V amplitude) on pin M1 (PA5) when I send a square wave with a period of 2 seconds.The GPIO is connected to that simple circuit, used to generate heat in the resistor.I used ...
Hello,I have a system with one STM32L562QEI6 and one STM32F405RGT6, that is the main MCU.They communicate with USART interface.In the main CPU, boot0 and boot1 pins are phisically connected to VCC or GND through some resistors, so I can enter boot mo...