How to stop systick during RTC Power stop mode
HelloNow I use systick on STM32L0538-Discovery and I'd stop systick during RTC Power stop mode.Please show me hot to stop the systick and restart.Thanks
HelloNow I use systick on STM32L0538-Discovery and I'd stop systick during RTC Power stop mode.Please show me hot to stop the systick and restart.Thanks
Hi,We have a custom board with a STM32G071R8T6TR, PA4 is configured as input but it does not work.All other inputs on the boards are working correct but PA4 is a problem.If we configure PA4 as an output it works fine, we toggle hi/lo, we have checked...
We want to turn on the LED when the microcontroller is powered on. Before the program is executed.Is it possible to achieve this with just the program, without changing the HW?Specifically, we want to program LD6(PWR) of STM32F412G-DISCO.
Greetings, We are planning on using STM32H503KB MCU at 250MHz for our application. We have tested our code on NUCLEO board MB1814B which had an internal debugger IC STLINK-V3EC. For development what is the debugger tool that we should procure for eas...
Since the VFQFPN68 package doesn't provide the VDDLDO, should the chip work just with VDD/VBAT/VDDA all connected to 3v3?Updates: during my unit test, I kept only the STM32H725 chip on the board and removed all the other components. Then I powered th...
Greetings.I have a project I developed on ESP32 (CH340 Chip). For some reasons, the project got messy, and I would like to migrate to a new board. I have an STM32 Nucleo which gave me a lot of satisfaction, but for this project I need something-Small...
The STM32H573I Discovery circuit diagram (MB1677) shows pin18 of the STMod+ connector going to PB12.This should be the BOOT pin of the MXCHIP EMW3080B (MB1400)But H5 Cube configures PB0 as BOOTSTM32Cube_FW_H5_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32H573I-DK\Application...
Programming the stm32f103c6 and stm32h753zi chips, without NuCLeo or Discovery, only chip, connections, pins, ports etc.. where can I find information, thanks!!
I'm building a simple application that collects environmental data from sensors (pressure, temperature and humidity) using the B-U585I-IOT02A development board. Since I want to deploy the node directly on the field, I'm planning to power the board us...
Hi, I'm using a Nucleo-H723 board and I need to sample 4 ADC's with variable sampling rate, maximum 1Mbps.I configure the TMR2 with the time stamp (10ms, 1ms, 10ms, etc...), and TMR3 with the sampling rate that is the input for the ADC trigger.Values...