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Regarding the KNX TP, I tested the STKNX evaluation board and my board which have ST-KNX chip then have below questions: Q1, The testing connection is       UART TX => KNX_TX (STKNX EV1) => KNX_TP line => KNX_RX(STKNX chip board 2) => UART RXCH1: KNX...
I am using the Nucleo board (H563) to test the SRAM ECCI have create a new project by board selector.Just have several printf function at main to print out to the SWO.It is working well without setting the SRAM ECC enable.However, once set the SRAM3 ...
I am using the STM32L433RBT6 for some uart communication project.My pcb only have STM32L433RBT6, LDO, LED, UART related circuit.I am also using the Nucleo-L433RC-P (STM32L433RCT6 )for the development.The Nucleo-L433RC is working fine for the LED4 and...
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