STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Resolved! No ST-LINK detected - only in CubeIDE

Hey guys,I try to connect a NUCLEO-F429ZI board with STM32CubeIDE.I have first installed the latest version of the IDE on an Windows 10 machine with the ST-LINK USB drivers that are required. When I know try to run or debug a simple example project t...

Thieny by Associate II
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STM32G030C8T6 GPIO distubs each others.

HI,I use the G0 serial​s firstly. I have welded 8 model machines,but I found some similar problems. For exampleOn the NO1 board, I used the pin PF1 be output.The problem is that the voltage of the MCU's reset pin is not High toVDD。So the mcu keeps r...

doming by Associate II
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STM32G071G8U6N Programming Problem

I'm making my ESC products in batches, after I downloaded the program for the chip, I tested the finished product and found that a lot of chips didn't work, so I downloaded the program again for the chip, but the download failed, I checked the voltag...

jzhan.3 by Associate
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