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Hi Community,I'm new to working with STM32 microcontrollers and I'm encountering a challenge when transmitting data through SPI on my STM32 Nucleo board. I'd appreciate some guidance from the experienced members of this community.My Goal:Transmit the...
Hello everyone,I'm facing a perplexing issue with my program getting stuck after a successful upload. The upload process completes without errors (screen remains lit white), but upon running the program, it hangs at  MX_OCTOSPI1_Init() and the screen...
Hello everyone,I’m currently working on a project where I’m using an STM32H7B3I-DK board to communicate with Esp8266 WIFI Module using AT commands. I’ve been able to successfully send commands and receive responses using HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback , ...
Hi Community, I’m working with FreeRTOS on my project, and I’m curious if there’s a way to graphically visualize FreeRTOS tasks in CubeIDE. Is there a tool or technique that allows us to see task periods, interrupts, and events over time? 樂I have a l...
Hi ST Community members,I recently encountered a problem with the ISM43341-M4G-L44-SPI WiFi module mounted on the STM32H7BI3-DK development board. Here are the details of the issue:Context:I updated my Cube Programmer, CubeIDE, and stlink firmware.Wi...
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