Stm32H747-DISCO joystick cap
Hello, Where to buy the cap of the Stm32H747-DISCO joystick, please kindly help. Thanks
Hello, Where to buy the cap of the Stm32H747-DISCO joystick, please kindly help. Thanks
Hello,I have generated a makefile project on CubeIDE for STM32WB55RG and I'm trying to debugging it on CubeIDE . After a research on the forum I got to know that this is achievable and set up build settings accordingly. When I try to debug I get the...
I'm trying to find any documentation for the pinout of Nucleo-H755ZI-Q. The GPIO pins for CN12 and CN11 are written on the board but not CN7, CN10, CN8, CN9.How can I know which GPIO pins are connected to which pin on this connector?
Hello ST. I would like to amplify a signal using the built-in opamp of the STM32U575ZIT6QU or STM32U575RGT6 product.The signal I want to amplify is as follows:The middle voltage is approximately 1.65V,It has an normal amplitude in the range of 1.5V t...
New question moved from this original thread. Thanks for the quick response.So basically the HW is configured in SMPS. So in order to obtain 480MHz, what changes should i do to the hardware. Or is there any way i could do it without changing the hard...
I am doing a datalogger application with a custom piece of hardware using STM32 and FileX middleware. While datalogging, it occassionally experiences a spike in write and flush times that seems to be random to me. So I tried to make a simple applicat...
STM32H735G-DK debug QuestionI try to use board STM32H735G-DK.I connected JP7 to the STLK to change the power source and connected the PC and board via CN15 with USB microB.In STM32CubeIDE 1.13.0, I make project for the board and debug ( Fig.1 ).I hav...
Hi all I am trying to program an STM32U575RIT6 chip using a TAG connect and ST link V3, on plugging in the tag connect, the chip shorts and becomes unrecoverable. I make sure to ground the linker before inserting, doing it all on a grounded matt, wit...
Hi, I am developing the board using the NUCLEO-F429ZI board CN7, CN8, CN9 and CN10 of ST, and I am looking for a product to upgrade to several surfaces such as FD CAN Port.According to ST's data, Nucleo-H743zi seems to be compatible except NC in CN9,...
Hi All,Thanks for advance!Actually i have selected STM32L475RET6TR MCU for my one of my project. I am looking for the best Evaluation/ development board for the above microcontroller part..i found B-L475E-IOT01A this discovery kit board...My query,...