STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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X-CUBE-AZRTOS-L5 Azure RTOS version upgrade

I am using X-CUBE-AZRTOS-L5 on my project. Also will use X-CUBE-CELLULAR for 4G connection. X-CUBE-CELLULAR uses Azure RTOS version 1.9.0 but X-CUBE-AZRTOS-L5 uses 1.8.0. Cellular package uses NetX features comes with 1.9.0. I use CubeIDE and make se...

MKILI.3 by Associate
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Resolved! Programming using I2C

Hello all, I have a design that is designed with a STM32. The SWDIO pin and SWCLK pin are pogo test points and difficult to solder wires to connect to the ST link programmer. The design has the BOOT0 pin pulled up to VDD. The I2C lines are the only ...

VThan.2 by Associate III
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STM32L562RETX bootloader problem

I'm using the cubeide 1.6.1 version.There's a problem with using the bootloader this time.This is bootloader code​#define APPLICATION_ADDRESS    (uint32_t)0x08010000typedef void (*pFunction)(void);pFunction JumpToApplication;uint32_t JumpAddress;​int...

0693W00000HqSl7QAF.jpg 0693W00000HqSlCQAV.jpg
Ljunh.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Setting Octospi free running clock mode

Anyone knows why in HAL_OSPI_Init(...) , Octospi free running clock has to be enabled after Octospi is enabled. Form stm32l5xx-hal_ospi.c, lines 404-411: /* Enable OctoSPI */    __HAL_OSPI_ENABLE(hospi);    /* Enable free running clock if needed :...

xinu2021 by Associate
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