A signal is generated by a DAC DMA used on the STM32F405. Using a buffer containing an array [100]. As shown in the picture, the point (circle on the line) represents the point to be detected. This is only for detection, not to start and stop the sig...
I have a project to generate a sinusoidal signal using DAC and DMA. The waveform looks like a peak-flat-valley-flat pattern. I am using an array of 500 values, with the peak at 4095, flat at 2048, and the valley at 0. I utilize circular DMA to repeat...
I generated a sinusoidal signal through the DAC using DMA. I understand that DMA performs looping since I use circular mode. In short, I want to control the numbers generated by the DMA. So, when the signal changes to DC (the array contains only 2048...
Hello, I am using ADC and DAC for sensing in my device, and I am using the STM32F405RGT6. I want to perform calibration, but I cannot use
"HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc1, ADC_SINGLE_ENDED);"
. I tried using this code:
Copy code
thakn u so much for your response but i have any question: Can I see when my DC signal starts to form using that method?I know which array index it starts to become DC, but I can’t control it because I’m confused. Could you explain further?
If I use 'thresholds' in determining my ADC results, does that count as calibration? Because I cannot find a way to perform calibration, I am a beginner and I am trying to understand it. Would you be willing to provide an example? I want to perform v...
forget the error because i don't used the "HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start() ".now i want to ask you about "other way for calibration" If I use 'thresholds' in determining my ADC results, does that count as calibration? Because I cannot find a way to per...