STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32C0 USB CDC not working

Hi, I am using custom board with STM32C071. I am trying to enable USB port with CDC so that my custom board will be visible as virtual com port on PC. After enabling all options and initializations, I was expecting that my board will appear on PC dev...

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PPate.1 by Associate III
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HardFault Error in HAL_SD_Init()

Hi allI'm struggling for a while getting a µSD Card to run via SDMMC on FileX. I'm using a Nucleo U575 Board with an external SDMMC/SDIO-breakout board. I tried to follow the "Fx_uSD_File_Edit" example for the U575I-EV board.Long story short, I set u...

MGuth.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! HAL UART Issues

Hi, I had to recently work on an application that makes use of the UART, and encountered some issues in the HAL (most recent version provided by CubeMX):1) Hal bug?Drivers/STM32G4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32g4xx_hal_uart.c, Line 3825:3831if (!(IS_LPUART_I...

Mid-byte SPI transfer detection

Hello,This is assuming STM32G0 with SPI configured as slave. I'm looking for a way to detect if a ongoing SPI transfer is happening. Not at the byte level but at the bit level.So I can detect if some incomplete byte is pending in the RX buffer (due t...

STM32F334R8 ADC problem

Hello everyone! I am trying to use the ADC of my NUCLEO-F334R8 board. I want to read the PC1 pin (ADC12, channel 7). I try to initialize the ADC with the following code: void BSP_ADC_Init() { // Enable GPIOC clock RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_G...

Santos by Associate
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H753ZI - UsbX Device not recognized error

Hi,I'm having an issue implementing USB device composite functionality on my Nucleo-H753ZI board. I've been following the tutorial series at

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Need resources for STM32H563ZI nucleo board

I was recently working on STM32H563ZI nucleo board like connecting peripherals like LTE module, I2C sensors like MPU6050, LCD display, SPI modules like W25Q flash storage, USB  and some analog module like potentiometer. As per normal coding of indivi...