STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Ethernet: LWIP memory issue

Whenever i am trying to post data i am facing this error this is making my system reboot everytime. I am using STM32F417VETX controller. Assertion "detected mem overflow in pool TCPIP_MSG_INPKT" failed at line 109 in ../Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/s...


i have compiled opus lib on H5. but i can not decode data. this is my init function and works fine.   DecConfigOpus.channels = 2; DecConfigOpus.ms_frame = 20; DecConfigOpus.sample_freq = 48000; uint32_t dec_size = DEC_Opus_getMemorySize(&DecC...

nimaltd by Senior
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Support with fmc nand flash

Hello,I am running a NAND flash with STM32H7 microcontroller using FMC interface. I have referred to Using the high-density STM32F30xxD/E FMC peripheral to drive external memories datasheet for the programming purpose.While communicating with the dev...

HDesa.1 by Senior
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FOTA in stm32l4

Hello,I wanted to know some suggestion regarding a project, and adding FOTA support in it.The project is stm32l4 based and it configures the gsm module as a server and one can make request and get response using http protocol.I wanted to update the f...

UDP communication on STM32H563ZI

I want to do UDP communication using ThreadX and NetXDuo on an STM32H563ZI.I searched for STM32Cube Examples and found a sample project for STM32H5, but because FW_H5_v1.3.0 does not exist, an error occurs.The following page is set up as an example o...

Nao05215 by Associate
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