Same issue here with TX_ENABLE_STACK_CHECKING.Calling tx_event_flags_set() from inside an ISR causes ThreadX to resume a thread, which calls the stack checker. The stack checker then loops for ever on size=0x7fffffff.STM32CubeMX 6.14STM32F4 MCUThread...
Thanks @GHolc.1 , that did indeed fix it for me. The cmsis_os.h header is placed in 3 different directories by the code generator, and the EWARM project was including the incorrect path as you mentioned. I added the correct include path to the projec...
Almost 4 years later and no response. Did you figure this out? I'm having the same issue generating code for IAR STM32F427II + FreeRTOS + CMSIS-RTOS2:main.c includes the wrong header (cmsis_os.h instead of cmsis_os2.h).The code generator will overwri...