STM32 MCUs TouchGFX and GUI

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Forum Posts

TouchGFX Academy launch announcement!

Dear Community, We're excited to announce the creation of the TouchGFX Academy! The TouchGFX Academy is a new place to learn TouchGFX with concrete examples and to find answers to your questions when developing your UI. It includes tutorials of cour...

TouchGFX documentation feedback

We wish to always improve our documentation. The best reviews and critics always come from the people that read it, so we would like to use this post to collect your thoughts and feedbacks. Please share what you like, dislike, what you think is missi...

Share your Custom Widgets!

When creating a UI project, you may need widgets that are not part of the TouchGFX library. To create your own graphical element, the TouchGFX team suggests using the Custom Container approach. Since TouchGFX 4.20 it is possible to export and import ...

I think there is a bug in the STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.4.0 Build: 7511_20200720_0928 (UTC), section “device configuration tool�?, section STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.4.15.0 Mode and configuration.

When Graphics Application is checked, a folders tree starting from TouchGFX, with files like GFX2.touchgfx, etc, is generated. It’s OK.When the .ioc file becomes complicated (as the example I attach), it seems that TouchGFX is replaced by Src and all...

AGendrau by Associate
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JPEG_Decode_DMA function never ends

Hello,Still developping on my STM32H753VT6 with touchGFX. Instead of loading images with touchGFX designer, I want to decode a JPEG image and then display it on my LCD screen.For the moment I've just checked the example for the STM32H750B-DK demo boa...

AJT141 by Associate III
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Resolved! TouchGFX list items limited to 7. Howto extend?

I use on screen scrolllist and in base.hpp havetouchgfx::DrawableListItems<MenuItem, 7> scrollList1ListItems;Where number 7 i cant change and when menu have 8 or more lines app crash.I make more diagnostic and locate, that TouchGFX can show and scrol...

MM..1 by Chief III
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TouchGFX with the Hardware Button

Hi,I am new to the TouchGFX library and trying to make it work with the STM32F429-DISC1 board. The touch display is working fine and I don't see any issues with it. I am now trying to work around the Hardware Button to work with the TouchGFX library....

Azeem by Associate II
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how i shoud double buffering in touchgfx

hi evryoneiam developing ui on stm32f429 microcontroller and i wanna use touchgfx for my software.i use 32MB external sdram and start address 0xc0000000 because my ui is complex.when i use single buffer strategy evrything is ok but for some widget li...

Hpott.1 by Associate
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Utterly and Totally Lost

It is overwhelming to decide which product and module to use for my project. I have been searching the site for hours and I cannot get my head around it. .I want to design a thermostat that has a touch screen and wifi connectivity. I decided what oth...

MBOYA.1 by Associate
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