STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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USB Init fails on AHB Idle not set

Posted on August 29, 2016 at 19:43STM32F427.I cloned a cube project for a working application with Micrium os.  I want to run code without an OS.  As far as I can tell so far I am doing all the same initializations but the function USB_CoreReset fai...

USB FS Losing word in RxFIFO (STM42F40x)

Posted on March 03, 2012 at 06:09Hi All I thought that I had managed to tame the USB FS device, but I was wrong. There is one simple thing that is not working and it is so simple that it seems impossible to solve... I have a CDC class operating. Enu...

hpipon957 by Associate III
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Combining EXTI Interrupts

Posted on August 22, 2016 at 16:54I am not sure if this is conceptually possible but I would appreciate some inputs. I have a push button configured as EXTI0 and another push button to EXTI7. However, when both buttons are pushed together, I want to...

DMA initialization - CubeMX

Posted on August 23, 2016 at 09:38Hi,I'm trying to use cubeMX to initiate DMA transfer using timer event.On timer event I would like to copy GPIO port to memory.I see a lot of examples how to do it without cubeMX, but it looks that they use other HA...

heifetsg by Associate II
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