STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! Comments wrong in L4+ include file

STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.13.0\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32L4xx\Include\stm32l4r5xx.h#define SDMMC_CLKCR_WIDBUS_Pos     (14U)#define SDMMC_CLKCR_WIDBUS_Msk     (0x3UL << SDMMC_CLKCR_WIDBUS_Pos)   /*!< 0x0000C000 */#define SDMMC_CLKCR_WIDBUS       SDMMC_CLK...

HAL_UART_DeInit() behaves unexpectedly

Hello,I have several UARTs when initializing them all simply with HAL_UART_Init , each with its own UART_HandleTypeDef instance, than things works fine.But on adding HAL_UART_DeInit before HAL_UART_Init (this is actually the generated code from stm32...

ranran by Senior II
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Resolved! STM32CubeMX L4 HAL Bug Report

STM32CubeMX 4.27.0L4 HAL 1.10.0 / 1.13.0STM32L431RBWe use STM32CubeMX to generate the basic code. We use the RTC Wakeup to generate a cyclic Interrupt. With the L4 HAL (1.10.0) the function was correct.When we migrated the project to L4 HAL (1.13.0) ...

AOech by Associate
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