How to send audio over Ethernet to STM32F429ZI board?
My laptop act as server and my board (both the end are using statically configured IP) should receive the audio through Ethernet and store it on OTG USB drive.
My laptop act as server and my board (both the end are using statically configured IP) should receive the audio through Ethernet and store it on OTG USB drive.
I'm building a CAN app with STM32CUBEMX and TrueStudio. I'm using interrupts so need to register my calback funcs. I put #define USE_HAL_CAN_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 1 at the top of main.h. The following line in my code:HAL_CAN_RegisterCallback(&hcan1, HAL...
After updateing to new CubeMX 5.1 my STM32F437 devices acuiring new COM ports per device.It seems that device serial string descriptor is filled by CPU UID instead of hardcoded 00001A value. The PID is 5740, VID is 0483. THis causes the USB stack on ...
STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.13.0\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32L4xx\Include\stm32l4r5xx.h#define SDMMC_CLKCR_WIDBUS_Pos (14U)#define SDMMC_CLKCR_WIDBUS_Msk (0x3UL << SDMMC_CLKCR_WIDBUS_Pos) /*!< 0x0000C000 */#define SDMMC_CLKCR_WIDBUS SDMMC_CLK...
Hello,I have several UARTs when initializing them all simply with HAL_UART_Init , each with its own UART_HandleTypeDef instance, than things works fine.But on adding HAL_UART_DeInit before HAL_UART_Init (this is actually the generated code from stm32...
The code is identical to the Disable version. The enable swapping is currently this:void HAL_SYSCFG_EnableMemorySwappingBank(void){ *(__IO uint32_t *)FB_MODE_BB = 0x00000000UL;} and instead of = 0, it should be the equivalent of 0x100.Also, the lower...
STM32CubeMX 4.27.0L4 HAL 1.10.0 / 1.13.0STM32L431RBWe use STM32CubeMX to generate the basic code. We use the RTC Wakeup to generate a cyclic Interrupt. With the L4 HAL (1.10.0) the function was correct.When we migrated the project to L4 HAL (1.13.0) ...
STM32L476RCTxSTM32Cube FW_L4 V1.13.0stm32l4xx_hal_adc.h:#define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T4_TRGO (LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM4_CH4) /*!< ADC group regular conversion trigger from external IP: TIM4 TRGO. Trigger edge set to rising edge (default setting). *...
This is the signature of the function: HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Transmit(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)where pData is the pointer to the data to be transmitted and Size the amount of data to be sent. In ...