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I've been fighting this really frustrating issue and have tried everything that can humanly be found on the internet (including STM32CubeIDE downgrades and upgrades on multiple machines).Simply put, whenever the program size is 64 or more sectors, fl...
Not quite sure how to best document this problem. But I am porting a current project of mine from an STM32G4 to STM32G0. All of the peripherals are configured correctly and the code base is mature and running well.When I debug the project with no use...
I started a new project using an STM32G473CB in the QFN48 package. I've used this and other G4 chips for many other projects and never encountered this issue. This issue occurs with all 3 flash size variants (CB, CC, and CE).I've replicated this issu...
So, for a project, I needed a CDC and MIDI composite device. So after some research and learning, I based my code around the CubeMX generated CDC example.I then modified the descriptors accordingly, created functions for transmitting and receiving on...
Hi,First post here. I've been using Eclipse previously with SystemWorkbench for STM32 and now the STM32CubeIDE.I'm working on an embedded project which uses multiple microcontrollers and need to use the same .c and .h files for both (with different c...