User Activity

Can I add a rotating knob ? If so , how ? Would it be possible to load a filmstrip ?I use that for VST plugins although I see no widgets for that ?Maybe the circle progress , somehow ?
I have the STMf32f469 board , when I try to send a demo to the board it says that I do not have the St link utility ? Shouldnt I have got that with the StmCube install ? Or do I need to download that specifically ?EDIT> Worked with ST link. Although ...
I just got the eval board.I am clueless , too much info on the site , can someone point me to a get started pdf or something ? Shouldnt I see the board in the Audiweaver server? Where it now says native?I have Touch FX and the audio weaver ,but neith...
I am just starting out with GFX and have a few questions if anyone has the time to help me out a bit.Asset creation , I see I can make custom slider for example , and custom containers but it seems that this is all project specific , is it possible t...
I have made a custom slider , vertical , using pngs .When I run the simulator it does not appear .The default Slider shows but weird refresh and leaves a trail ?Also , is there a way to say which item is on top of the other ? Bring to front , send to...