STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Basic TCP/IP application

Hello there,I am considering a basic TCP/IP application with ethernet connection. At first I lookned at the STM32F107 and STM32F750 series MCU's, as they have the ETH peripheral. But then I looked how much they cost, and after that how much do PHY's ...

USART Baud Rate Error

Hi All,I am currently occasionally receiving corrupted data on my UART2 (STM32F302). By corrupted data I mean receiving a character which I am not expecting.I am running a 32MHz UART2 Clock and using a baud rate of 9600 with oversampling at 16. So Th...

glenn0010 by Associate III
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Why my i2c clk always high ?

When i observe the clk pin always high but sometimes, somehow that i dont know i can see clk pulses but really i dont know reason why. Also i am trying to communicate touch ic and it has change pin sense the touchs. This pin always high and when the ...

IKARA.15 by Associate II
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STM32F303 - Can rx error

Hi,I have a problem with my application that reads messages from CAN.Sometimes, after wake up, I see rx error on CAN driver (I use the function GetLastErrorCode, that return error number 32(Form error)), this situation remains until I generate a MCU ...

LBern by Associate
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