2019-12-23 1:09 AM
I am using p-l496G-cell1 with x-cube-AWS
The communication between AWS and P-l496-CELL01 via MQTT is work fine
But OTA update is not working.
I follow steps according to manual
• Store the .sfb firmware file on AWS S3 service (in an S3 bucket; for example, store Project.sfb in bucket "bucket"). Make sure that this S3 bucket does not block public access and that the .sfb file is readable by everyone (Check the menu file > properties / permissions). • Create a text file named firmwareupdate.txt with the following contents and store it on S3: {"firmwareUpdate": "https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/bucket/Project.sfb�?}
• On the AWS web portal, select the IoT Core service, then go to Manage / Jobs:
– Click the "Create" button, then "create custom job"
– Enter a job ID (unique alphanumeric sting)
– Select the device you wish to update
– Select the job file you just uploaded to S3: firmwareupdate.txt
– Complete the job creation: Next / Create
• Once the job is created and the device is connected to AWS IoT through MQTT, the device receives the job, the application exits the MQTT loop and starts downloading the new firmware file over HTTP(S). If successful, it reboots to let SBSFU update firmware, and launch the new application. Once the new application runs and is connected to AWS IoT again, it verifies that its version has changed since the update job was received, and notifies AWS IoT of the job status: completed, or failed.
But it generate error on my terminal like
Erasing Flash memory.
Downloading firmware from "my .sbf file link".
Signal Level: -59 dBm
Retrying 1 : close and reconnect.
Retrying 2 : close and reconnect.
Signal Level: -57 dBm
Retrying 3 : close and reconnect.
network error : -1
-- !!Operation failed!!
Problem in RFU update (-2)
2020-01-06 3:54 AM
The error means the application can't access the .sfb file over HTTP.
It can be that the bucket name or file name is incorrect in the firmwareupdate.txt file.
Also if using HTTPS (HTTP with TLS security) it is required to have the HTTPS server certificate in the application's Root CA configuration.
Downloading firmware from "my .sbf file link".
did you write exactly "my .sbf file link" for the URL of the .sfb file ?
it should be something like this:
https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/<name of your bucket>/<name of .sfb file>.sfb
also check you have written ".sfb" and not ".sbf"