STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Reserved bits of registers.

Hello, I have a question related to the reserved bits (generally to all of them). For example lets disscus specification of STM32F429 MCU from the RM0090:Register TIMx_SR1 (of TIM2 to TIM5 for example) has specified bits 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 as reserv...

Software Timer API problem+freertos

/* Create the timer(s) */ /* definition and creation of myTimer01 */ osTimerDef(myTimer01, Callback01); myTimer01Handle = osTimerCreate(osTimer(myTimer01), osTimerPeriodic, (void*) 1); /* USER CODE BEGIN RTOS_TIMERS */ /* start timers, add new ones, ...

km naxin by Associate II
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STM32H7x3.svd is incorrect

Debugger information is displayed incorrectly because STM32H7x3.svd (and others!) in latest version V1.4 seem to be wrong regarding register address offsets of DFSDM module (and maybe others?). At least addresses do not match the latest spec ("RM0433...

MMein by Associate
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STM32H743 ADC clock configuration

In RM 0433 on page 910 there is the following:“1. The ADC clock can be a specific clock source, named adc_ker_ck_input which isindependent and asynchronous with the AHB clock.It can be configured in the RCC (refer to RCC Section for more information ...

PStor by Associate
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