STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32f722 USB_OTG_HS doesn't work in FS mode

Trying to connect two FS devices to an STM32F722RET. Datasheets are a little vague, but seems it should be OK as long as I don't do HS.Using cubeMX, and for the FS port (PA11/PA12) - things work great. For the HS port (configured to be host_only, F...

InvZim by Associate
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Resolved! Is there I2C Bootloader on STM32L051K8?

I am using STM32L051K8 MCU in my project. All the project has been developed. Now there is a need to provide OTA firmware upload. For that I require to use I2C bootloader as I have alreadey interfaced I2C EEPROM. Please let me know whether it is poss...

AJadh.5 by Associate
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Resolved! BSP example of 32L476GDISCOVERY

Hi,I am working on board STM32L476G-DISCO, and I want build the example in STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.13.0 Repository, ({USERNAME}\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.13.0\Projects\32L476GDISCOVERY\Examples\BSP),it all build successfully but at the end i...

RKhal.2 by Associate III
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USB Host HID problem with keyboards

Hi Im using stm32f4 discovery board to initial keyboard but when i connect the keyboard to board it detects the keyboard but didnt send any information.I change the keyboard and use microsoft curve keyboard 3000 and nothing changedIm using STM32CUBE...

AAgha by Associate II
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