STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! Whats the use of System memory & flash memory

Please any one help how to differentiate the system memory & flash memory in STM32MCUs, Whats the use of the both memory?Where we need to store the user code & where we need to store the customized setting?How to store FAT(File Allocation Table)?How ...

Sprak.11 by Associate II
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Resolved! Locate the STM32F405RGT6 HAL_User_Manual

I cannot find the ??-> STM32F405Rx_User_Manual <-?? in the STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver package in the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.2 in my repository. Is it available? Also I would like one for the STM32F4 Discovery's 407VGT6 MCU as well, but the 405RGT6 would suf...

JSmit.22 by Associate
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STM32L4x3 USB Device connections

Hello,I am developing a product with the STM32L443 and I want to include a USB connection manly for debug via COM port. The product is self powered therefore I don't need to use VBUS to power the device or recharge a battery. I have couple of questio...

FR_INT_ERR with FATFS (dir_sdi) function

I am using STM32L1 MCU with SPI communication to SD cardI am using the FATFS library f_mount, f_mkfs and f_getfree are going fine but f_open returns an FR_INT_ERRDid anyone face this issue before, or have an idea on how to fix it?

TKou by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F103 USB-CDC does not work

I am trying to communicate my Maple Mini clone board with PC without using a USART hardware. I've configured MCU with STM32Cube IDE which has STM32CubeMX in it. I've enabled USB hardware, set it to FS, set FS mode to CDC. After I flashed that firmwar...

Nuppo by Associate II
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