STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Getting I2S output of 192k for STM32F446?

Hi, I would like to know if I can use STM32F446 and generate 192k I2s output. consider I need to use USB_OTG_HS.I am trying to setup pins and clock configuration in STMCube, but for the I2S_APB1 it gives me range of 172MHZ to 192. and even with 192 i...

NNIA by Associate II
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Is stm32f7 HAL v1.15 mmc driver broken? I try to read out several blocks. The first block reads normally, while the others are filled with zeros

Hi. I have stm32f722re connected with emmc MTFC4GMWDQ by 8-bit interface. When I read out the data from the card, I see in the debugger that starting from index 512 to the end, the second buffer is filled with zeros.This behavior is observed in block...

MSmit.7 by Associate
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