STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! ADC DMA and interrupt

Hey.Im using adc dma to transfer data from adc to memory. After each sequence of conversion I need an interrupt.My first question is that is using dma in my case something useless?My second question is that after adc sequence of conversion interrupt ...

STM32F107 FreeRTOS+NetConn won't work

Hello.I'm trying to stitch-up the STM3210C LwIP TCP/IP Echo client example (my board) and STM324xG LwIP+FreeRTOS+NetConn example.LwIP, and netif config are the same as for Echo example (and previously I ran httpd-raw server with it).I was able to set...

zedeg by Associate III
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Inaccurate us delay function

Hi,I'm trying to implement a `delay(microseconds)` function on an STM32 F745 running at 216 MHz. I want to keep it dummy and simple without involving interrupts. My strategy is as follows:-Setup TIM2 to run at 1 MHz. Since it has a 32-bit counter it ...

CGalv by Associate III
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