STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32 Choice for USB-PD STM32F0 + STUSB1602

Hi, I currently working on a USB PD project. I am quite interested in ST solution. I need a DRP, dual power role, features so STUSB1602 should be included in the design. I just found the application firmware is developed based on STM32F071RB and the ...

Leo Tai by Associate II
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hey everyone. I hope this is the correct place to ask this. I am trying to implement a driver on IAR in order to use an SD card on STM32F746 DISCO using FATFS. sadly every tutorial I find is out of date and I have a few problems with basic functions.

the functioins I am having a problem with are BSP_SD_Init and f_mount.I tried using this video step by step, but the FATFS used there is old dated and so is the cubemx version, and that led me to wierd loo...

YAxel.1 by Associate
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CAN is not working in normal mode.

In loopback mode data is shown on RX pin, but when I do normal mode nothing is shown on TX and RX as well as CAN HIGH and LOW.I am attaching my main file, can you tell me my mistake.I am using stm32f072rbt6 discovery board.I am using TJA1050 can tra...

Is my configuration right for 33KHz ?

Dear Member,I use timer 3 for generating a tone,is this configuration right, for generating 30KHz ?Chip = STM32L152RE, Clock 2.097MHzTIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig = {0}; TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0}; TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sCon...