DFU bootloader source code
Please provide a link to the source code of the DFU stock bootloader for STM 32
Please provide a link to the source code of the DFU stock bootloader for STM 32
Hello ST team,my platform: STM32f429I use ADC with DMA in double buffer mode.The ADC_ConvCallback is only called when the Memory0 is filled. There is no Callback called when the memory1 is filled.This due to the hdma->XferM1CpltCallback which is NULL...
Is there a recommended way to merge two projects? I have tried this in the past and become frustrated quickly. The mapping from the file system to the tree structure is confusing. I also have problems with include files and paths. Is there a best pra...
I'm running USB CDC in HS with STM32F405.Receiving data from PC is very good. But, sending data to PC has problem sometimes. To send data, I'm using CDC_Transmit_HS ( *Buf, Len )There is no error in the function at all. But, data is not sent to PC.To...
Hi, I currently working on a USB PD project. I am quite interested in ST solution. I need a DRP, dual power role, features so STUSB1602 should be included in the design. I just found the application firmware is developed based on STM32F071RB and the ...
the functioins I am having a problem with are BSP_SD_Init and f_mount.I tried using this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRhF44v2ezM step by step, but the FATFS used there is old dated and so is the cubemx version, and that led me to wierd loo...
In loopback mode data is shown on RX pin, but when I do normal mode nothing is shown on TX and RX as well as CAN HIGH and LOW.I am attaching my main file, can you tell me my mistake.I am using stm32f072rbt6 discovery board.I am using TJA1050 can tra...
Dear Member,I use timer 3 for generating a tone,is this configuration right, for generating 30KHz ?Chip = STM32L152RE, Clock 2.097MHzTIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig = {0}; TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0}; TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sCon...
Hi I'm trying to ping my device and also ping internet with my device but I get checksum error! when I checked packets using wireshark I noticed that checksum for ICMP packet is 0