2020-09-15 08:11 AM
hello everyone
I'm working on a USB MSC application. Standalone works fine. When I create code with FreeRtos, the hal_delay () functions are left in the usbh_conf.c file. Replacing the hal_delay codes generated by cubemx with the following codes, there is no problem. I would be glad if you can make the necessary changes in the next firmware update.
#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
osDelay (Delay);
HAL_Delay (Delay);
older post
hello everyone
I'm trying to make a USB MSC application with stm32f407 standalone works fine. I haven't been able to run it with freertos yet, but I noticed that CubeMx created the USBH_Delay function called from within the operating system as follows.
void USBH_Delay (uint32_t Delay)
HAL_Delay (Delay);
When I replace it with the code below, the freertos stopped freezing when I plug in usb
void USBH_Delay (uint32_t Delay)
#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
osDelay (Delay);
HAL_Delay (Delay);