Resolved! Where can download STM32CubeL5 firmware?
I have a board named NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q, but i can not use CubeMX to generate initial code, In CubeMX environment, can not be downloaded.
I have a board named NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q, but i can not use CubeMX to generate initial code, In CubeMX environment, can not be downloaded.
Hello everyone.I have problem with ADC module of STM32F3. I have two board, one board use STM32F334K8T6 is the first version of my prototype, one board use STM32F334C8T6 is new version. I have use ADC module in my program and using STD lib. but with ...
Hello all,i'm facing a lot of troubles to run my server application on stm32.The server runs in a task. I'm using FreeRTOS. I can't explain everything here but i can share the code.First of all my application goes into HardFault in a kinda random way...
Hi All,I have a strange problem entering the Bootloader.I need to send 0x7F twice to enter Bootloader. Details: I am working on a project where I need to program STM32H743xx MCU via UART pins. I was successful in programming STM32H743xx “Version Y�? ...
Dear Members,I have an own board with STM32H753ZIT as MCU and I am trying to get ETH working.Unfortunately, I have a DP83848 PHY on this board which worked perfectly well using an STM32F407VIT earlier (DP83848 is intact in the schematic but connected...
I am using p-l496G-cell1 with x-cube-AWSThe communication between AWS and P-l496-CELL01 via MQTT is work fine But OTA update is not working.I follow steps according to manual• Store the .sfb firmware file on AWS S3 service (in an S3 bucket; for examp...
HAL_DAC_Start_DMA(&hdac, DAC_CHANNEL_1, (uint32_t*)setdac, 1, DAC_ALIGN_12B_R);HAL_DAC_SetValue(&hdac, DAC_CHANNEL_1, DAC_ALIGN_12B_R, setdacvalue);The first problem was when I changed setdac which points value that DMA buffer(?) It doesn't work so I...
The hardware I have is the STM32G0 Discovery Kit. The sample code using this hardware works normally. I tried to rebuild a project using CubeMX. I found that it would be in CHECK_PE_FUNCTION_CALL (USBPD_PE_Init (USBPD_PORT_0, (USBPD_SettingsTypeDef *...
I've made a project to send sensor data from stm32f767zi nucleo board (Client) to a desktop computer (Server), using ethernet and lwip with RTOS on stm32cubeide. Nucleo board is connected with ethernet cable to wired broadband router. Desktop compute...