User Activity

need to add CRC to my binary. i.e. srec_catCan I add path to IDE to look for srec_cat, alternative what path are searched
Using stm32flash -a0x51 -w binary.bin -S 0x3000 /dev/i2c-4but get backFailed to write memory at address 0x00003000For 0x8003000 I getErasing memoryPage-by-page erase error.Failed to erase memoryAny solution...can move offset i.e. bootloader offset. I...
MEMORY{ RAM    (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000,  LENGTH = 36K BOOT_FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000,  LENGTH = 12K APP_FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8003000,  LENGTH = 52K}
Using previous post "STM32H7-bootloader-jump-from-application" and change bootloader memory to 0x1FFF6800. Currently running STM32CubeIDE I see it execute SysMemBootJump but with debugger going immediately (second goes pass) return to HAL_Init(); I ...