STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32L4 won't stop running bootloader

Hi,I've used products in the STM32F4 family, but I have two new projects using the STM32L433 and STM32L432. For both of these projects, I am able to write and verify the flash, however I cannot seem to get the chips to boot from it. They always seem ...

MSchr.3 by Associate II
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HAL_GPIO_TogglePin() bugs!

Hi All,I notice a bug in the HAL_GPIO_TogglePin() when there are two pins with different voltage level. E.g. GPIOF, Pin9 = 1 and Pin 10 = 0. It turns out Pin9 was 1 and Pin10 =0, then Pin9 and 10 = 0 then 1 and so on. Support it should be Pin9 != Pin...

GPIO HAL question

I'm going to write a new code to replace HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(), HAL_GPIO_WritePin() and HAL_GPIO_TogglePin() using direct low level memory reads, writess, and logical operation on the STM32f4.I think about a lazy way can i use the debugging to track the...

Cl.1 by Associate II
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I am writing the explaination for HAL.

I arrange 3 main advantage for using the HAL rountines compared with direct memory access.HAL will faster than direct access.HAL will offer more easy to remember the function names.HAL will make the code more portable.Is that three advantage is corre...

Cl.1 by Associate II
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