STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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stm32f3xx__ll__comp.h bug

Hello,This line in the mentioned library is faulty.#define LL_COMP_OUTPUT_TIM3_IC1_COMP2 (COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTSEL_3 | COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTSEL_1 | COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTSEL_0) /*!< COMP output connected to TIM3 input capture 1 (specific to COMP instance: COMP...

STM32F411E-DISCO CubeMX's repository issue

Hello, I've find one hidden fail in template project for STM32F411E-DISCO (STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.1\Projects\STM32F411E-Discovery\Templates). In header file inc/stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h there is a wrong define of hse frequency:#if !de...

AMoro.16 by Associate II
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I am implementing a ZERO COPY COPY driver for the STM32H7 eth module using PHY DP83825i. Something is strange, the communication stop every 9 seconds for 1 to 2 seconds. but it seem to be at the low level (hardware).

 Even on the Iperf client, there is a dip in transmission bandwidth and we can see the router lights, they all goes off with few ARP request. We are using FreeRTOS+TCP. we have another module using LWIP on other PHY + CPU combination and working with...

ARoye.1 by Associate
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Is there anyone here who is an expert with the STM32 with direct experience with the STM32 L4 family? We are Running Freeartos and having default system register HAL (clock structures and RTC) issues and would SUPER appreciate some help

I am searching for an expert. We are having problems with the RTC jumping all over the place. Has anyone here 1) experienced this, or 2) Could point me in the direction of where I could find someone? My company depends on it. Thx!

SSier.1 by Associate
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