STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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https client on stm32H7 controller. I am looking if there is already code for https client that can sent REST data (like curl get/post) will it be straight forward to use the stm cube with freeRTOS+LWIP+MBEDTLS ?

I though of using the NUCLEO-H743ZI(which might be an overkill) is there a demo for that ? (that I can easily open an ssl socket and send/get requests ?).1) is embed os good for this , or stm32CubeMX better ?2) Tried using the stm32f407 with freeRTOS...

Moish by Associate
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STM32F303K8 - without CAN1 bootloader ?

Hi,regarding to AN2606 (PDF page 84 = STM32F303x4(6/8)/334xx/328xx devices bootloader), it seems that the STM32F303K8 doesn't support "CAN1 bootloader", although there's a CAN bus available. Is this a documentation failure or is this a fact?

MP.17 by Associate II
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STM32F7 SPI interrupts stop firing with FreeRTOS

Hi, I'm using stm33F7 reading sensor via SPI communication, it's working in slave only receive mode, I can read data in interrupt mode perfectly without os, but as I enable FreeRTOS (using STM32CUBE) after a random time interrupt stops firing. I'm al...

afra by Associate
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Resolved! STM32 F407G trouble USB CDC

Hi, can somebody help with USB CDC on stm32f407G-DISC. I have configure in CUBE MX to use usb CDC in FS and when i connect to PC ( WINDOWS 10)  i see setting up device (STM32_Comport) and then pc says that USB serial device is ready to use. Why windo...

Mku1 by Associate III
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Timer output goes hi while starting DMA.

My CPU is STM32H750VBTxMy Configuration of the timer is void MX_TIM2_Init(void) { TIM_SlaveConfigTypeDef sSlaveConfig = {0}; TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0}; TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sConfigOC = {0};   htim2.Instance = TIM2; htim2.Ini...

dirk2399 by Associate
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