2021-01-12 1:30 AM
I use a custom board with an MCU STM32L462VETX and i try to create a file system over an SD CARD using the SDMMC peripheral .
the hardware connection between the sd card and the MCU are the same the eval board : STM32L476G-EVAL
I use a sandisk 16go sd card
I have used the STM32L4Cube V1.16 and CubeMX6.1.1
I used the YouTube video from ST : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9KDN1o6924
The problem :
the f_open and f_mount with forced mount option return FR_DISK_ERR always
i checked also the community questions and topics like the problem of delay after power on in HAL driver.
So i search any idea or a support to resolve this problem because we must use the sd card to save data in our project.
2021-01-31 2:56 AM
Exactly the same problem with my Nucleo-L452RE.
I'm start thinking that there is some issue using L4 and sdmmc
2021-04-01 7:00 AM
Do you have a right clock setup?
2021-04-01 8:32 AM
Definitely works on the NUCLEO-L452RE
2021-04-01 8:34 AM
can you share your project in gihub please?
and can you tell us the steps to get sdmmc with dma work please ?
2021-04-01 9:57 AM
yes , i use under 10 Mhz for sdmmc (using the divider ) i tried many clocks