2021-02-28 05:55 PM
have been wanting to learn about STM32 development with Freertos, I have followed some tutorials on stm32f4 boards to read temperature from a thermistor using tasks. I am using the stm32f750-dk, For the configuration I got the clock working at 120 Mhz, and also change the system clock from systick to timer6 since the freertos will use systick. I used timer1 for a periodic delay. Also, I am using a semaphore and freeing it in the periodElapsedCallback. The problem occurs when debugging. the program just gets stucked on the systemConfigClock. It enters the Timer6 handler and it keeps looping. If I resume the programm It just jumps from the IRQHandler for TIM6 to the HardfaultHAndler. What am I doing wrong? Is this going to have implications in the freertos tasks? . for more sotfware info, I am using the HSE clock and the STM32cube IDE
2021-04-01 02:21 AM
Hello @BMend.2 ,
Welcome to ST Community 🙂
Could you please share your project zip file for further check ?
Thanks in advance.