STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32F4xx and STM32H7xx CUBE HAL SPI BUGS

High Level Problem Description:STM32F4xx: Produced on STM32F427IIHxWhat happens:When SPI as master, full duplex, 8 bit & ~1MHz clock speed and doing longer transmissions (e.g. 10 - 60 bytes) using interrupts the current implementation in Keil::STM32F...

Resolved! Task execution time in freertos

I'm using freertos on stm32f407vg Discovery board. I'm running system at 150MHz. I want to calculate time taken by a task for that below is the code snippet. TickType_t initial_time = 0, end_time = 0,diff = 0; initial_time = xTaskGetTickCount...

Rsrma.1 by Associate III
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STM32F070CBT6 USB Bootloader does not work

Hello. I am using a STM32F070CBT6 uC with the FG-code $36, meaning it should contain bootloader version V10.3. The chip marking is: { STM32 F070CBT6 AA067 019C TWN AA 016 ST (e3) 2}By breaking when the bootloader is running, the HSITRIM regis...

BOlss.1 by Associate
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