STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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SD card taking time to store data

Hi everyone,I'm using stm32F407VG discovery board and STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.2 fimware for my project. I've included freertos and FATFS in my project. I've created 3 tasks, higher priority task(running at 100Hz) which job is to do some calculation and...

Rsrma.1 by Associate III
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STM32F746 Discovery's MEMS Microphone

Hi,I could work perfectly with UART, SD Card, and button interrupt of this discovery kit. Now, I would appreciate, if you help me to start up the microphone of the stm32F746 Discovery board. The goal is to read the data from the microphone and watch ...

spark by Associate II
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Resolved! Race condition with f_mount()?

I'm using FatFs without RTOS, and quite often the f_mount() call will fail. Right now it always fails, but in a previous version of my code it failed only 20%. My current mount code (using HAL) looks like if (f_mount(&fatfs, "", 1)) led_on_abo...

Resolved! How can I update the software on STM32F7 ?

Hi,I want to update the software of the STM32F746BGT via a USB stick or Ethernet connexion.Firstly, how can I use the USB stick to update the software inside the MCU ?How can I use the Internet connexion (via UART : Lantronix XPORT) to update the sof...

MMerc.1 by Senior
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dns resolve

Hi, in order to resolve an address I using the function dns_gethostbyname(). Sometimes the customer uses a standard ip address like Is there a way to determine if dns_gethostbyname() is necessary or not?