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Hi everyone ! I want configure external trigger of sdadc in stm32373c-eval. Trigger external is TIM13 configured at 1700Hz (purple signal), when HAL_SDADC_InjectedConvCpltCallback execute i did that toggle LED and the toggle is doing 16's in one peri...
Hi ! The first time to program STM32 can be using uart ? Or is necesary use stlink ?
Hi everybody ! I want edit the code template for function but in Window -> Prefereces -> C/C++ -> Code style -> Code template isn't "function". But when i declared a new function and before typing /** + enter, generated this auto comment:/** * @fn vo...
Hi everyone ! I start an STM32F373 project and i want to use CMSIS DSP libraries but when the project it is generated, dsp libraries don't exist in CMSIS folder. I tried include this but i couldn't.Can you help me ?