STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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With the STM32F417VGT6 chip used, after PA11 PA12 is configured as USB HOST (non-OTG mode, HNP or SRP mode is not used), PA9 cannot be configured as input pull-up mode.

After using STM32F417VGT6 chip, PA11 PA12 is configured as USB HOST (non-OTG mode, HNP or SRP mode is not used), PA9 cannot be configured as input pull-up mode; without USB HOST, PA9 can be configured as input pull-up Yes; try to configure PA9 to out...

qyuyu.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 issue with USB DMA

Hi,I am working with STM32H743ZIWhen I enable USB DMA, writing enable here : I have 3 bytes of offset in my frames, my frame is supposed to start with aa:55:dd:aa instead of 00:00:00:aa:55:dd:aaIt is fixed when I disable DMA but I want to use itHere ...

0693W000006FzgbQAC.png 0693W000006FwU8QAK.png 0693W000006GR8mQAG.png

FATFS f_open returns invalid file name

Hi allI'm reading wave files from sd-card using FATFS library. So far everything is working fine but if I want to open any file whose name contains any number for e.g.8BitAudio.wav, Audio8Bit.wav etc (here the number is 8)the f_open function returns...

Mr ZEE by Associate II
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STM32H750 ADC1 DMA not working (Now working)

Edit: This code is functional.Hey Everyone,For the last couple of days I was struggling with initializing the ADC1 with multiple Channels enabled and DMA on a STM32H750. I would be very thankful if someone could help me. I used the CubeMX Code Genera...

GMiku.1 by Associate
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USB on H7: unable to open the port

Hello!I'm migrating from STM32F7 to H7 MCU, but I incurred a strange problem (well, two strange problems...).I have a QT program that opens COM ports by:void Sensor_interface::open_port() { if (Device_Sensor_Port.isEmpty()) { qDebug()<<"N...


Hello Dear Engineers and DevelopersSo far I had been able to use SD-CARD and USB in CDC mode using STM32f429, but when I add Freertos. USB fails to enumerate on PC. Also, I have been able to use FREERTOS SDCARD and Touchgfx simultanously.Here is my p...

Resolved! How to set up the ADC channel correctly? When I set up the channel as ADC_CHANNEL_5 I get the readings from the pin ADC_IN0(PA0). Changing Channels switches reading between CH0 and CH1. I am using STM32G030K8T on a custom board and FW_g0_v1.2.0

__HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE(); GPIO_InitTypeDef agpio; agpio.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG; agpio.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; agpio.Pin = GPIO_PIN_5; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &agpio); __HAL_RCC_ADC_CLK_ENABLE(); RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef adc_clk; adc_clk.PeriphClockSele...

ABarn.1 by Associate
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