Resolved! Dev board with CAN bus and ethernet for automotive
Hi community ,I want an automotive controller development board with Atleast 2 CAN bus and an ethernet port , please suggest me some dev boards for the same!
Hi community ,I want an automotive controller development board with Atleast 2 CAN bus and an ethernet port , please suggest me some dev boards for the same!
Hello all,I'm new to ST. I'm looking for ARM Cortex-M4(F) MPUs that have Ethernet port. These chips would also need FreeRTOS support and a quick and easy way to build a server for IoT. I've looked at the G4 family, but can't find anything about Et...
Is it possible to receive data from USB camera that is connected to the STM32 somehow? What is needed to implement it?Thanks.
Hello,I run with eval board RTC_timestamp example:en.stm32cubeh7\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32H743I_EVAL\Examples\RTC\RTC_TimeStamp\EWARMSurprisingly, there is a shift delay of ~9 to 10 seconds (!) every 60 seconds.I tested it as following:us...
Hello guys,I am trying to implement a custom bootloader based on stm32f103rb.I would like to jump in a flash address page e.g 0x8004000When i am calling the app_reset_handler(), debugger break at address 0xfffffffe with no debug information.I appreci...
Hi I tested arm_rfft_fast_f32 function from CMSIS-DSP 1.4.5 i used external 16 bit adc to given input of the stm32f4 devlopment board using SPI DMA interface. This row count data from adc given to the input buffer that are given belowMy Problem is th...
Hi, I am trying to read I2C on interrupt (HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback) using HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_DMA function. How ever I get into HardFault_Handler. I suspect its because HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_DMA function uses HAL_GetTick() which causes crash?Is there any way a...
Hi all,I'm porting the "USB-audio bridge"-code as found in UM1717: STM32F0x2xx USB Full Speed Device Library to an STM32F042-MCU. This is working fine, except for that I'm experiencing buffer underruns. The most likely possible explanation would be s...
I'm making project USB HS MSC device on STM32F746G-Discovery. I don't know why it cannot get an address from the host.My project USB FS MSC device worked normally.
Hello ST Community,I am porting the ssl_client example from the STM32F769-DISCO (I don't have the F769-DISCO) to the NUCLEO-F767ZI. The software flow is the same, only the configurations are different. The software can do the connection, handshake, ...