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Brand new B-L462E-CELL1 eSIM ICCID is already in use.


Hi everyone.

I ordered the B-L462E-CELL1 Discovery board from Mouser last week and finally got around to setting it up. The board came sealed in its clamshell packaging inside a stapled plastic bag. However, I am not allowed to activate the device via Truphone’s IoT portal as the eSIM ICCID has already been activated. Device is searching for network constantly, so I don’t think it is activated. I am in Phoenix, AZ, USA and there is coverage. Truphone customer support is clueless and kept asking for a phone number associated with the device. I’m waiting to hear back from their higher tier support, but who knows when that will be. Has anyone encountered a similar issue? In the meantime I tried to activate through ThingSpace or Hologram, but neither will accept the device.

ST Employee


Thanks for purchasing the board. Sorry for such experience. I will follow up directly with Truphone about your issue. I will need some detail about the board identification to help to understand the issue. I will directly contact you to get such information.

BTW, can you elaborate more about the ThingSpace and Hologram access? The board is pre-configured to use the internal SIM (eSIM) with Truphone profile with data subscription. Thingspace is a platform from Verizon. I have never played with Thingspace so I do not now if the Truphone data subscription will allow to access to Thingspace. The same for Hologram. But first, we should ensure that your data plan is fully operational and let you to access to internet.


Best Regards



Hi again Solofo,

I have responded to your email with the requested information.

The idea was to use the Truphone profile as a bootstrap to get a ThingSpace or Hologram profile pushed to the eSIM. Right now ThingSpace only allows devices certified by Verizon, and Hologram only supports their eSIMs that they sell, so never made it far with either. I suppose there might be a way to get the ICCID added to Holograms database, but at that point I would just be better off getting a physical SIM. I'm new to cellular concepts in the embedded world, so I may be wrong. That's the reason I bought the board.

ST Employee

Hi Don,

As per our e mail support, now you have got the connectivity working. Did you manage to register the ICCID to Holograms data base as you have suggested?

Regarding the SIM activation issue, I will considere it as solved now.

Let me know if you have additional request for support

Best Regards
