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Calling LAN8742_GetLinkState(&LAN8742) from <ethernetif.c> returns LAN8742_STATUS_100MBITS_FULLDUPLEXSettings from <lwipopts.h>#define WITH_RTOS 1#define CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE 1#define ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 1524#define LWIP_UDP 0#define MEM_ALIGNMENT 4#d...
Hello,My simple application should read some configuration which I put by CubeProgrammer from 0x0800C800, I want to debug the application but seems the debugger erases the flash at all. Could you tell me please how to prevent full internal flash eras...
Hello,I'm learning STM32 and wrote an quadspi external loader for my NUCLEO -144 (STM32743ZI) and 1M external flash. I've it tested in the Cube IDE and everything looks OK, I can read and write the external flash. When I use the loader in STM32Cude...