STM32F439ZI USB Custom class implementation?
I'm using STM32F439ZI development board. Now i want implement the my own Custom USB class. I'm new to this topic. Can any suggest the how to implement this one.Thank you.
I'm using STM32F439ZI development board. Now i want implement the my own Custom USB class. I'm new to this topic. Can any suggest the how to implement this one.Thank you.
In the code I wrote, it is very straightforward being initialising USART2, receiving a character from a serial monitor and turning on/off an LED based on the character received. The LED does not turn on, in this case when I type the letter 'y' on put...
I am trying to get USB CDC working for the Nucleo-144 board. Where can I find an example application to run on the board?
I referenced the example from STM32CubeL4-master and run the Flash_FastProgram example, but when I execute to this line *dest_addr = *src_addr in FLASH_Program_Fast(uint32_t Address, uint32_t DataAddress), it will go to HardFault Handler, have any id...
DeviceId = STM32L151RETxFirmwarePackage = STM32Cube FW_L1 V1.10.2Bug in: stm32l1xx_hal_conf.hOn row 110. The MSI_VALUE is defined as 16000000. It should be defined as 2097152 Hz/** * @brief Internal Multiple Speed oscillator (MSI) default value. ...
HiI have setup SDMMC1 over DMA2 channel 14 (Tx) and having issue in writing more frequent data. I have interrupt on system tick (pend sv) 1ms. When I write every 10ms 128 Bytes, it gives me ring buffer overflow error. That means it stuck somewhere on...
in datasheet :Boot modes At startup, boot pins are used to select one out of three boot options: Boot from user Flash memory Boot from system memory Boot from embedded SRAM The boot loader is located in system memory. It is used to reprogram th...
Hai,I'm using stm32f070c6 controller for USB CDC application ,I tried to debug the USB CDC Communication., The Function CDC_Transmit_FS() => always return USBD_BUSY state. Need to Find the overcome of USBD_BUSY state. and it shows unknown device(dev...
Been looking into the Azure RTOS offering for the STM32 series, which seems very nice and interesting :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes: I have been using another vendor TCP/IP stack for many years, implementing web servers for our products. Looking at...
Hi guys, finally was able to pin VDD to VDDUSB33, re-tried it now the computer is at least detecting a device!However, the software for the DFU is not able to pick up the device as the computer keeps saying "USB DEVICE NOT RECOGNIZED"This is what I a...