STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Hi everyone! I am trying to interface my TETRA device with the microcontroller using the USB interface. The microcontroller will act as a usb host while the TETRA will act as a USB device. I am using STM32F469I-DISCO development board.

Hi everyone!I am trying to interface my TETRA device with the microcontroller using the USB interface. The microcontroller will act as a usb host while the TETRA will act as a USB device. I am using STM32F469I-DISCO development board.How can I do suc...

SMuha.3 by Associate
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Enabling Icache corrupt USB FS VCOM Port data?

I am using STM32H743 with USB in FS mode as a VCOM port,I send periodically a set of 1024 values , each is represented in 4 character + space between each value and the next.Each set start with string header and ends with new line.I send this data 19...

HAlzo by Senior
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USB DEVICE Audio generated code MX vs UAC1 extension code. Where found Appnote or an step by step ? Why 24bit dont works when user config changed?

I generate CubeMX project with selected USB FS DEVICE Audio part of IF code/** @defgroup USBD_AUDIO_IF_Private_FunctionPrototypes USBD_AUDIO_IF_Private_FunctionPrototypes * @brief Private functions declaration. * @{ */   static int8_t AUDIO_Ini...

MM..1 by Chief III
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Hi, I am trying to communicate Uart in interrupt mode.We are able to successfully transmit & receive data to PC (through USB-UART).But when we connect to UART based modem then we are getting HAL_UART_ErrorCallback & transmission is failing. Pls help us.

This error callback function is not getting called when we connect to PC. But we are getting during modem (UART based)communication only. Whats purpose of this callback ? Is there any configuration need to add ?

PBira.1 by Associate II
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