STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32 CDC Bootloader

I apologize for I am new at learning bootloader and I am trying to create a custom bootloader for stm32f103 custom dev board. First, I just want to know how can create a compatible binary file to be flashed at existing bootloader.

STM32F469i-DISCO USB OTG-FS communication

Greetings, we are using a STM32F469i-DISCO development board for one of our projects. We are unable to establish Host USB OTG FS communication. The USB shows that it is idle state so we are not able to transmit or receive any communication. We want t...

Resolved! Controlling WS2812B LED Strip With STM32

Hello,I'm new to STM32 and trying to learn exciting stuff. I want to light a single LED from my WS2812B strip. For example I will choose 6th LED on my computer and 6th LED on strip will light up.But I'm not sure where to start. How can I access to si...

salvi.a by Associate II
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Resolved! receive via USB_CDC a.k.a. virtual COM Port

I'm kind of stuck. I have USB_CDC running, data appears on the Kitty-Terminal in Windows10 via USB, presented as COM6:  serial device in Windows. Sending data vis USB_CDC  is easy:   ret = CDC_Transmit_FS( buffer0, sizeof( buffer0 ) ); if( ret != USB...

PRenn.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! memset & sprintf stack usage

hi i have  a question about stack memset or sprintf function take space on ram stack memory? For example i create global array like my_array[1024]. when i call memset in my private function, does memset function take extra space on ram(stac...

scotzap by Associate II
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Debugging Issue on STM32H745 Dual-Core

Hi, I have a development board with an STM32H745XIH6 microcontroller, which has dual cores. I am trying to debug using the SWDIO and SWCLK pins. Debugging works fine on the M7 core, but it does not work properly on the M4 core. This is what the issue...

ACohe.3 by Associate II
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USB not recognized

Hi,I have developed an application using the STM32F103C8T6 MCU to function as a USB keyboard. The application uses the USB communication protocol to send keystrokes. One of the requirements is an emergency button that, when pressed, disables all othe...

DDS by Associate II
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