STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

CRC32 Calculation STM32L071CBT

Hi all,I know similar issues have been discussed before but I have not been able to find another post with the same issue. I am trying to use a CRC32 calculation to validate my flash memory, I am using KEIL IDE and the STM32L071CBT.This has been my c...

STM32F746 and External SDRAM Problem

  Hello,I want to use external SDRAM as the LTDC framebuffer with the STM32F746 microcontroller. I can write and read the desired data to/from the SDRAM without any issues. However, when I activate the LTDC, during the SDRAM initialization and config...

Resolved! FATFS + RTOS + touchgfx

I have a working project that simply writes to a a file on an SD card (Using STM32H7B3I-DK, Not Using RTOS).When I add it to a touchgfx project, f_mount() and f_open() return NO_FILE_SYSTEM. This happens even after f_mkfs() returns FR_OK. I have the ...

Resolved! STM32H563 and SPI DMA Transfer issue

I'm having an issue when using the DMA with SPI.  I'm using the SPI for a 320x240 LCD and want the DMA to help with blocking while transferring large amounts of data with touchGFX.I'm able to paint the screen one color just using the SPI but when I t...

PFlor.2 by Senior
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Resolved! STM32H745BIT3 - FDCAN - emotas software stack

Hi:I now have a STM32cubeIDE project now successfully sending FDCAN messages to PCAN View running on my laptop. I'm now trying to add the emotas CANopen FD single line software stack to send CANopen messages. I can not get my program to build without...

KennyD by Associate
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Resolved! Losing RTC ticks after wakeup timer

Hi   I have a STM32L433 running at 16MHz and having a strange issue.  I have setup the rtc and within the Systimer interupt I display the current time (the systimer is 1KHz and every 1000 ticks I get the second , at this point I read the clock and di...
