STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Where is the firmware for the STM32F411E-DISCOVERY board???????? In one of the user manuals, it was mentioned that there is a single zip file with demonstrations, examples etc for MDK-ARM, EWARM and something else.

But I am having a hard time finding this zip file!!!!! I want to start using my stm32f411e discovery board but there are hardly any resources on the internet for this specific board and for a newbie like me this is just demotivating. Please help me o...

KP.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! STL versioning

We are integrating the STL library in the context of a project requiring IEC 61508 safety integrity level 2 (SIL2). How can we programmatically pull the version info out of the STL library? The API doesn't show anything to that effect. Also, what's t...

DamienF by Associate II
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Ethernet TcpEchoServer

The issue am facing is . I have created 4 maximum connection for 1 port at particular 1 ip. When i open port of same port number and same IP on terminal the data travel should travel to both the ports. But it comes on only single port.tcp_write(Perso...

UART Bootloader returning wrong Device ID

Hii have a product which is using an stm32f070c6 as a co-processor, next to the main processor running linux.For field updates of the co-processor we are using boot0 and reset pins to get the stm32f07 into the uart bootloader, and then we load the ne...

TPryn by Associate II
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