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Hello, Recently I have purchased an evaluation board "NUCLEO-G071RB" to program/debug our custom board using ST-LINK. After 4 time successfully attemps to program our custom board, the evaluation board came with follow error and it was impossible to ...
Hi, I am using STM32F105 MCU.I have made a mistake in Hardware and switched two pins around. I have two signals from a encoder which they are connected to MCU in wrong way. SignalA ---> PC9 (TIM3-CH4)SignalB ---> PA8 (TIM1-CH1)I want to use a combin...
Hello,I am working on a custom bootloader for STM32F105 which it is possible to write a bin file into the flash via CAN bus(CAN2). My issue is that the part of bootloader to jump to application doesn't work. Here is the jump function code:#define MAI...
Hello, Is it Ok to read GPIO pins inside a timer call back as follow:void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim){ if (htim == &htim2 ) //15 ms { BT1 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOx, Pin_x); BT2 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GP...
Hello, I need help to implement a function for some buttons, that every time a button is pressed a CAN message will be sent and when the button is released the CAN message will be sent again. It has to send a CAN message for falling and rising edge (...
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