The desire is to have a keyboard report sent when a key is held on Plugin (for ESD reasons and BIOs boot support). So if a key is held while plugging in it needs to be reported and recognized by the PC. I currently have it setup to keyscan and then...
I'm using Nucleo-F767 with IAR IDE. I have created project using STM32CubeMx v6.3.0.I want to send one byte over MOSI and receive 27 bytes of data from SPI slave device on MISO. I noticed that random data is seen on MOSI line from 2nd byte. How to ma...
HiI would like to know if the following code can be used to set the PWM to a constant 0. TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sConfigOC = {0}; sConfigOC.OCMode = TIM_OCMODE_PWM1; sConfigOC.Pulse = 0; sConfigOC.OCPolarity = TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH; sConfigOC.OCFastMode = T...
In the ST site I could only find HAL example program , I need LL example program for STM32f303K8T6 SPI .can you help me with that.
when i debugging:pic1:pic2:pic3: datasheet:According to the data sheet, after the reset operation, CMOD should be 0, but it is actually 1. Why? The code generated by CUBEMX cannot be used I use the USB3300 chip for the interface.
Hi guys, i would ask if someone has a tutorial that shows how to connect a sensortile to Azure IoT. I have already created an IoT apllication on Microsotf Azure, i have Device Id and the SAS (Shared Access Signatures) but i don't understand what i h...
Is there any sample code to port Microchip Micrel RMII PHY to STM32H7 controllers?Regards,Umit
I'm trying to align an input 15 kHz signal with a 20% duty cycle with an output 15 kHz signal with a 50% duty cycle. To do this I'm hooking up the input signal to a direct capture interrupt and Timer 1 Channel 4 and using the HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallba...