STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! I find a bug in HAL_ETH_IRQHandler function. the function() skip all the if else,then return. have anyone met this question befor?

void HAL_ETH_IRQHandler(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth){  /* Packet received */  if (__HAL_ETH_DMA_GET_IT(heth, ETH_DMACSR_RI))  {    if (__HAL_ETH_DMA_GET_IT_SOURCE(heth, ETH_DMACIER_RIE))    {​...}}​I have met this question: this function cannot run to an...

QLiu.3 by Associate
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Bootloader in STM32 MCU.

What does it mean ->( the bootloader code begins to scan the USARTx_RX line pin, waiting to receive the 0x7F data frame: a start bit, 0x7F data bits, even parity bit and a stop bit.)?I'm totally confused understanding this line, how to configure it? ...

I have questions about STM32L496's DCMI capabilities. Is STM32L496 capable of recording a video and maybe even compressing a video? What's the maximum you can achieve with this MCU?

Hello ST community,I want to make a video recorder with STM32L496 and OV2640 camera module. The datasheet of the MCU(STM32L496) says this: "• 8- to 14-bit camera interface up to 32 MHz (black&white) or 10 MHz (color)" and this got me a little bit con...

Daduka by Associate
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Resolved! How access stm32 LWIP webserver by name

Hi,I've got an stm32H743 webserver with LWIP working ok on dhcp displaying data.Is it possible to alter the html file on the webserver to be able to access other similar webservers?e.g. Say I have 10 machines - each with one stm32 webserver attached ...