User Activity

Hello community, I am using STWINKT1B board and trying to implement basic accelerometer datalogging from scratch. I don't want to use HSDatalog because I don't need so many functionnalities.I am using FATFS functions, able to use mount, mkfs, mkdir, ...
Hello, I have as project to use the STWINKT1B board and write my custom code to read IMP23ABSU sensor at its maximum capacity (80kHz). I understand the sensor output data is amplified by an op-amp and can be read with ADC input of the microcontroller...
Hello everyone, I just have seen information from Azure about TLS Certificate critical changes : am using x-cube-c...
Hello everyone, I currently have devices with a specific FW released on market. In this FW there is a structure saved in internal flash memory (with "const" and defined areas on linker file).In the new version I am working on, I need to expand an arr...
Hello everyone, I have a custom board based on X-CUBE-AZURE, connecting and sending data to a our own Azure Server. When connecting a device we get security alerts from Azure, telling that we do not use a TLS certificate validation. I have found in m...
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