MX_ETH_Init() fails on MB1137 board.
Default firmware for MB1137 doesn't start. I use Cube IDE 1.8 with 1.16.2MX_ETH_Init() fails firmware to Error_Handler().See also.
Default firmware for MB1137 doesn't start. I use Cube IDE 1.8 with 1.16.2MX_ETH_Init() fails firmware to Error_Handler().See also.
We are using the STM32H753 and cannot enter the bootloader using pattern 8.AN2606 states that when BOOT0 is low and the option byte BOOT_ADD0 is 0x0040, then the bootloader is activated.Does this work for the STM32H753?Pattern 8Option byte set to 0x0...
I have set up an STM32H743 nucleo webserver which works OK by presenting a small webpage on a browser (I am using LWIP+CubeIDE).I can give the webserver simple commands via CGI (see below) and thereby print something to the serial port. Unfortunatel...
Hello,there is some solution for sending data over multiple uarts with RTOS,because HAL_UART_Transmit,HAL_UART_Transmit_IT,HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA not send data in second uart. Still BUSY.Thank you in advantages
Compiling generated code in the CubeIDE 1.7.0 with AzureRTOS enabled under tab "Middleware" and a neural network enabled under tab "Software Packs" on an STM32U5 nucleo board exits with error message:../AZURE_RTOS/App/app_azure_rtos.c:24:10: fatal er...
I tried to use the PDM2PCM library in the STM32L432.I have some questions about PDM2PCM library.1.The values set by an output buffer in the function PDM_Filter().We must use values in the output buffer (= PCM data stream) as uint or int ?2.I am not a...
After uploading the BLEFOTA.dfu file using Dfuse Demo utility, the SensorTileBox is not going into DFU mode anymore. Instead it shows that STM32 is in BOOTLOADER mode as shown in picture. Now, I cannot seem to plug it into DFU mode, the one by discon...
I am running on a STM32F405 with Cube V1.23.0.I have an HID (actually PID in and out endpoints) device using interrupt transfer for both the out and in messages. This is a High Speed device using the ULPI interface.The out messages has a report type...
Hi,I'm interested in mounting a dual drive fatfs on the STM32H735G-DK's external memory chips connected to the octospi interface (512M NOR flash MX25LM51245GXDI00, 128M HyperRam S70KL1281DABHI023) I'm not familiar with HyperRam and I'm wondering is...
I am new to STM32 and I have a custom board with STM32F767. I need to receive CAN messages through one of the CAN interfaces and transmit it through the USB interface to a GUI on the PC and also receive CAN formatted messages from the GUI via the USB...