Hi,I didn't find any information about e-mark cable in the link below, Have ST developed the code for the e-mark cable?st.com/content/st_com/en/ecosystems/stm32-usb-c.html
I am using the in-built stm32f4 bootloader to allow software upgrades of the software in the field. However these updates are sometimes failing.This is due to the in-built baud rate detection sometimes setting an incorrect baud rate. We are unable to...
Hi,We use a STM32G071 with the USBPD library together with a USB-C protection IC to implement a DRP device. How should I handle a fault signalled by the protection IC? - How should I inform the USB-C PD stack about this event? - Is it sufficient to r...
Can anyone explain why there is a 1ms delay here/** * @brief Disables the MAC transmission. * @param heth pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains * the configuration information for ETHERNET module * @retval None ...
Hi everyone,I wonder if someone has successfully interfaced STM32 MCU with LAN9303 switch RMII mode using lwip library? Could you give me any clue?Thanks in advance.
Hello,if I call the read function it sends a write on the I2C. What am I doing wrong?Thanks a lot, Best Regards, Seppeluint8_t i2cData[8U]; uint8_t i2cDevAdr = (0x53 << 1U); HAL_I2C_Mem_Read (&hi2c2, i2cDevAdr , 0x00, 1U, i2cData, 1U, HAL_MAX_DELAY...
I followed the directions for setting up Ethernet on the STM32H757xi-Eval board from here. I am using the Cube FW version 1.10.0. Therefore I applied the fixes for the specific issues of that firmware version. I have seen that I'm getting the call ba...
Hi All,I am starting work on USB RNDIS support for STM32U5, and completely new to this.I am looking for example/documentation on USB RNIDS support on STM32U5.Can anyone please help here ?