Why only STM32CubeG0/Middlewares/ST/OpenBootloader/ and how FGHx?
Seems as good editable system bootloader alternative, but why not as cubeMX software pack for all devices???
Seems as good editable system bootloader alternative, but why not as cubeMX software pack for all devices???
Hi, I am using FreeRTOS+LWIP on stm32f429zi. All working fine but after some time program control stucks at ethernet_input function. so due to this context switching not happens and other tasks gets affected. I also tried the below solution obtained ...
This is the same problem described in this thread, except the proposed solution does not fix the issue: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000CEqc1SSQR/dual-boot-on-the-stm32g4-not-quite-working-boot-from-second-bank-fails?t=1591957302322Basic...
Hi,I am using STM32F746 discovery board. I enabled FreeRTOS task and it is running fine. After I start ADC DMA function by enabling DMA continuous request mode and calling HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(), the RTOS task stops running. The ADC conversion stops the...
Hi,I just bought STM32H735G-DK and USB is not working out of the box.I have put jumper on STLK but device is not getting detected on PC(LD6 red/green dim lit).There are no new devices in device manager when plugged in.Board is running original progra...
Hello all,I have worked through a number of issues with the SDMMC system and am currently stuck with not being able to reliably transfer from micro SD. I wrote test code to repeatedly read a file from the external card. In some cases HAL_SD_ErrorCall...
Hello All,Using STM32H743, I designed a board to use USART1 as the debug interface so that I could also bootload to this port. I am using an FTDI chip to create a virtual COM port. The problem is that I swapped the TX/RX pins in the design and had to...
Hi advancedI have a question to ask everyone. I use STM32F072 and use VCP to communicate with the GUI on the PC side.But it is very strange. If STM32F072 is not connected to USB, it will not work. It seems to be stuck and did not continue to execute ...
Hi,I am working STM3240G-Eval Board. Integrated LWIP and able to ping without any issues. Followed the FSMC_SRAM_DataMemory example to change the data memory sram and I am able to allocate variable in SRAM. Now the issue is not able to ping. Please h...
Created a new STM32 project for STM32G030K8 without modifications, when i run the debugger debugger stops working after HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT..I have selected TIM14 as timebase source as i'm using RTOS.Why does the debugger stops in a new STM32 cube ...