STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Implement AWS stack to STM32F4

Dear ST experts,I have an STM32F4 board and I plan to connect it to the AWS IoT cloud via a BG96 cellular module. I have found a very similar sample of STSW-STWINCELL and I am trying to transplant the code from STM32L4+ to my STM32F405 MCU. However, ...

KZhao.11 by Associate
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Difficulties pinging the STM32H7 which uses LwIP and FreeRTOS. STM32H7 can send the UDP packet to the server but the server cannot send UDP packet to the STM32H7. I cannot ping the STM32H7, what could be the cause here?

Hello everyone,I'm trying to set up the LwIP and FreeRTOS on the STM32H7.Currently I can send UDP packet from the client (STM32H7) to the server (PC),but I cannot ping the STM32H7.There is the main.c in the attachment and the lwipopts, ethernetif and...
